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Kaldheim Commander (KHC)

De kaarten uit deze serie van Magic the Gathering.

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+ - Naam + - Prijs + - Serie + - Kleur + - + - + - Foil + -
Angel of Finality € 0,50 KHC White R
Beast Whisperer € 2,50 KHC Green R
Bounty of Skemfar € 0,35 KHC Green R
Brago, King Eternal € 1,50 KHC Multicolored R
Casualties of War € 1,00 KHC Multicolored R
Cleansing Nova € 0,50 KHC White R
Cosmic Intervention € 2,50 KHC White R
Crown of Skemfar € 0,40 KHC Green R
Cultivator of Blades € 0,30 KHC Green R
Curse of the Swine € 0,50 KHC Blue R
Day of the Dragons € 0,35 KHC Blue R
Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen € 0,50 KHC Green R
Eerie Interlude € 1,00 KHC White R
Elderfang Venom € 0,40 KHC Multicolored R
Elvish Archdruid € 1,95 KHC Green R
End-Raze Forerunners € 0,50 KHC Green R
Ethereal Valkyrie € 0,40 KHC Multicolored R
Geist-Honored Monk € 0,30 KHC White R
Harvest Season € 1,50 KHC Green R
Hero of Bretagard € 0,30 KHC White R
Imperious Perfect € 0,40 KHC Green R
Marshal’s Anthem € 0,35 KHC White R
Marwyn, the Nurturer € 0,60 KHC Green R
Masked Admirers € 0,30 KHC Green R
Pact of the Serpent € 4,95 KHC Black R
Restoration Angel € 1,25 KHC White R
Rhys the Exiled € 0,75 KHC Green R
Ruthless Winnower € 0,30 KHC Black R
Sage of the Beyond € 0,35 KHC Blue R
Serpent’s Soul-Jar € 0,40 KHC Black R

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