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Yawgmoth’s Will

Serie: Urzas Saga (USG)

Rarity: Rare Urzas Saga Rare

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Judge Gift
Urzas Saga
Yawgmoth’s Will | Urzas Saga

 Op voorraad 

€ 149,95 (3x)


Veilig betalen met iDeal

 Reactie plaatsen
20-7-2010 02:48:00

vraag me toch nog altijd af waarom deze kaart gebanned is in legacy. Het is nou niet echt alsof er een onwijse zieke combo mee is dacht ik zo en er zijn echt wel engere dingen te verzinnen.

20-7-2010 02:40:00

@stefan: mwa, redelijk, ik daar toch wel leukere kaarten voor, maar goed.

20-4-2010 12:48:00

Leuke kaart om op Panoptic Mirror te gooien



Until end of turn, you may play cards from your graveyard.
If a card would be put into your graveyard from anywhere this turn, exile that card instead.


Legal in: Commander
Restricted in: Vintage
Banned in: Legacy

Officiele rulings

The second ability creates a replacement effect. It applies to both costs and effects.

If you cast a Buyback spell, then there will be two effects trying to replace where the card goes. You get to choose if the Buyback returns the card to your hand or the card gets exiled.

If an effect asks you to discard a card, you can’t “discard” something that is in your graveyard. Those cards are not in your hand. Thus, Cycling abilities of cards in the graveyard can’t be activated.

It will exile itself since it goes to the graveyard after its effect starts.

If you play a card using Yawgmoth’s Will and something triggers only when “cast from your hand”, that something will not trigger. Such things trigger based on where the card came from.

To “play a card” is to either cast a spell or to put a land onto the battlefield using the main phase special action.

You cannot Suspend a card from your graveyard, only your hand.
