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Serie: Ice Age (ICE)

Rarity: Common Ice Age Common

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
5th Edition
Ice Age
Errantry | Ice Age

 Op voorraad 

€ 0,15 (6x)


Veilig betalen met iDeal

 Reactie plaatsen
7-7-2015 22:03:00

"A seven nation army couldn't hold me back..."

Tenzij ze aan mijn kant staan natuurlijk...

Hoe dan ook, met al dat rood zwart en wit moest ik direct aan The White Stripes denken.


Enchantment - Aura 

Enchant creature
Enchanted creature gets +3/+0 and can only attack alone.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Commander

Officiele rulings

“Can only attack alone” means the enchanted creature can’t be declared as an attacker during the declare attackers step unless no other creatures are declared as attackers at that time (either by you or your Two-Headed Giant teammate).

If the enchanted creature attacks alone, then a spell or ability causes another creature to be put onto the battlefield attacking, that’s fine.
