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Cordial Vampire

Serie: Crimson Vow Commander (VOC)

Rarity: Rare Crimson Vow Commander Rare

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Crimson Vow Commander
Modern Horizons
Cordial Vampire | Crimson Vow Commander


€ 0,01

 Reactie plaatsen
6-7-2019 19:29:00

Laatst deze knakker, 2 Carrion Feeders en een Good-Fortune Unicorn kunnen draften. Was leuk


Creature - Vampire 1 / 1

Whenever Cordial Vampire or another creature dies, put a +1/+1 counter on each Vampire you control.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Commander

Officiele rulings

2019-06-14 - wotc
If Cordial Vampire dies at the same time as one or more other creatures, its ability triggers for each of them.

2019-06-14 - wotc
If a Vampire you control is dealt lethal damage at the same time as another creature, they die at the same time. That Vampire can't receive a counter from Cordial Vampire's ability in time to save it.
