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Rosheen Meanderer

Serie: Iconic Masters (IMA)

Rarity: Uncommon Iconic Masters Uncommon

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Iconic Masters
Rosheen Meanderer | Iconic Masters


€ 0,20



€ 1,00

 Reactie plaatsen
26-1-2017 14:39:00

nevermind antwoord staat bij ruling

26-1-2017 14:39:00

is casting een cost? Anders gesteld; werkt deze met Apocalypse Hydra ?

JW (1) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
21-8-2013 08:05:00

Als alle kaarten met 'monstrosity' in Theros 'X' als activation cost hebben, wordt Roheen eindelijk tof!

Global Moderator NederMagic Rules Advisor Xander (1) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
10-6-2013 19:45:00

Nee. Ik had simpelweg de ruling bij Doubling Cube ge-copy-paste. Wellicht dat alleen de volgorde een tikkeltje ongelukkig is?

Er staat:

"(...) you'll end up with:
* (with no restrictions on it)
* that can be used only to cast artifact spells
* that can be used for anything."

franz (3) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
10-6-2013 19:31:00

bedoel je niet omgekeerd xander?

Global Moderator NederMagic Rules Advisor Xander (1) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
16-2-2010 19:26:00

Staat bij de ruling van Doubling Cube:

Any restrictions on the mana in your mana pool aren't copied. For example, if you have with no restrictions on it in your mana pool and that can be used only to cast artifact spells, you'll end up with , that can be used only to cast artifact spells, and that can be used for anything.

16-2-2010 19:22:00

Wat als je de mana verdubbelt met doubling cube? mag je die 4 mana dan ook alleen op X costs spelen?


Legendary Creature - Giant Shaman 4 / 4

T: Add CCCC. Spend this mana only on costs that contain X.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Commander

Officiele rulings

A “cost that contains X” may be a spell’s total cost, an activated ability’s cost, a suspend cost, or a cost you’re asked to pay as part of the resolution of a spell or ability (such as Condescend). A spell’s total cost includes either its mana cost (printed in the upper right corner) or its alternative cost (such as flashback), as well as any additional costs (such as kicker). If it’s something you can spend mana on, it’s a cost. If that cost includes the X symbol in it, you can spend mana generated by Rosheen on that cost.

You can spend mana generated by Rosheen on any part of a cost that contains X. You’re not limited to spending it only on the X part.

You can spend mana generated by Rosheen on a cost that includes X even if you’ve chosen an X of 0, or if the card specifies that you can spend only colored mana on X. (You’ll have to spend Rosheen’s mana on a different part of that cost, of course.)

You don’t have to spend all four mana on the same cost.
