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Deadly Tempest

Serie: Commander 2015 (C15)

Rarity: Rare Commander 2015 Rare

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Commander 2015
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Deadly Tempest | Commander 2015

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€ 1,00 (1x)


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Premium lid timewa (0) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
13-11-2015 09:44:00

Sterk tegen een Doubling Season token deck... ruim die 14 creature tokens maar even op, en by the way slik 14 lifeloss. Ik zie deze nog wel populair worden in casual multiplayer.



Destroy all creatures. Each player loses life equal to the number of creatures they controlled that were destroyed this way.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Commander

Officiele rulings

Creatures that aren’t destroyed this way (perhaps because they regenerated or have indestructible) don’t count toward the life lost.
