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Warmonger Hellkite

Serie: Commander 2014 (C14)

Rarity: Rare Commander 2014 Rare

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Commander 2014
Commander Anthology II
Warmonger Hellkite | Commander 2014


€ 0,45

 Reactie plaatsen
18-11-2014 18:42:00

Gelukkig zit er een clausule aan vast: attack if able, dus hopelijk kun je je utility creature gebruiken (en tappen) voor de combat phase.

17-11-2014 03:47:00

Ook leuk om iemand's abilitycreatures aan laten vallen en zo doodgaan

17-11-2014 00:28:00

Echt zo'n leuke politieke EDH-kaart Andermans boys pompen als ze aanvallen enzo


Creature - Dragon 5 / 5

All creatures attack each combat if able.
1R: Attacking creatures get +1/+0 until end of turn.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Commander

Officiele rulings

Each creature’s controller still chooses which player or planeswalker the creature attacks.

If, during a player’s declare attackers step, a creature is tapped, is affected by a spell or ability that says it can’t attack, or hasn’t been under that player’s control continuously since the turn began (and doesn’t have haste), then it doesn’t attack. If there’s a cost associated with having a creature attack, the player isn’t forced to pay that cost, so it doesn’t have to attack in that case either.

Only creatures that are attacking when the last ability resolves will get +1/+0. That is, activating that ability before attackers have been declared won’t give the bonus to any creatures, including ones that attack later in the turn.

If there are multiple combat phases in a turn, creatures must attack during each combat phase in which they’re able to.
