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Master of the Hunt

Serie: Italian Legends (ILG)

Rarity: Rare Italian Legends Rare

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Serie Normaal Foil
Italian Legends
Master of the Hunt | Italian Legends

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€ 24,95 (1x)


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 Reactie plaatsen
15-5-2013 15:08:00

Om nog even op de art terug te komen, de artist zelf had hier ook een antwoord gegeven op zo'n dergelijke vraag.


'It's the art that has always killed me, never have i once thought of those as wolves! Master of the Bearded collie is more like it.'

OK, just to clear that up—if you know your mythology, (LEGENDS, remember?) the Celtic master of the hunt USED HOUNDS to hunt— The wolves were the prey, not the predator. So yes, Master of the bearded collie is fairly accurate to the myth (Wolf HOUND, actually). It's the terminology on the card that that is inconsistent with the myth. I pointed that out to WOTC when the card came out, but it was done by then. WOTC would have had chances to get me to change them to wolves, if they had wanted it. Artists didn't get to see card text back then either, or I would have drawn them as wolves, regardless of the myth.

Later on they had me do a "token"— and that was a wolf, per WOTC's request.

Jeff A. Menges
Yeah, that guy."

hdg Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
20-2-2012 20:42:00

Gelukkig is de remindertext niet heul groot

Official Judge Mark (337) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
8-12-2010 22:00:00

Oooh, een Wolves of the Hunt token!


Ik heb opzettelijk "band with" in plaats van "bands with" neergezet want Magic Set Editor propt anders automatisch de reminder text erbij en dat paste RUIM niet op de kaart

30-10-2010 14:27:00

Die beesten op het plaatje lijken helemaal niet op wolven.

30-6-2010 18:50:00

maf, hij ging wild en toen werd hij Master of the Wild Hunt ofzo


Creature - Human 2 / 2

2GG: Create a 1/1 green Wolf creature token named Wolves of the Hunt. It has "bands with other creatures named Wolves of the Hunt." (Any creatures named Wolves of the Hunt can attack in a band as long as at least one has "bands with other creatures named Wolves of the Hunt." Bands are blocked as a group. If at least two creatures named Wolves of the Hunt you control, one of which has "bands with other creatures named Wolves of the Hunt," are blocking or being blocked by the same creature, you divide that creature's combat damage, not its controller, among any of the creatures it's being blocked by or is blocking.)


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Commander

Officiele rulings

Since tapping is not part of the cost, you can use this more than once a turn.
