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Divine Intervention

Serie: Italian Legends (ILG)

Rarity: Rare Italian Legends Rare

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Italian Legends
Divine Intervention | Italian Legends


€ 6,00

 Reactie plaatsen
15-2-2012 10:59:00

Mijn ervaring leert dat mensen liever verliezen dan een gelijkspel te krijgen. :/

6-4-2011 10:54:00

Gewoon Show and Tellen hier in, en de rest van de kaarten van de opponent bouncen.

6-4-2011 09:28:00

mja lijkt me wel grappig om een keer 0-8-0 te gaan

14-2-2011 20:32:00

Over suf gesproken... xD

14-3-2010 19:15:00

Emperor format spelen, en deze gebruiken als emperor zijnde. x)

13-3-2010 14:13:00

Met Vampire Hexmage xD



Divine Intervention enters the battlefield with two intervention counters on it.
At the beginning of your upkeep, remove an intervention counter from Divine Intervention.
When you remove the last intervention counter from Divine Intervention, the game is a draw.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Commander

Officiele rulings

When Divine Intervention’s third ability resolves, the game ends immediately. The game is a draw, meaning neither player wins and neither player loses.

Divine Intervention’s third ability triggers only if its controller removes the last intervention counter from it. It doesn’t matter how that happens. For example, if you control Divine Intervention and the last intervention counter is removed as a result of a Clockspinning you control, the ability will trigger. On the other hand, if the last intervention counter is removed as a result of a Clockspinning another player controls, the ability won’t trigger (and won’t ever be able to).

In a multiplayer game played with the limited range of influence option, Divine Intervention won’t necessarily end the entire game when its third ability resolves. All players within range of Divine Intervention will leave the game. They’ll neither win nor lose; as far as they’re concerned, the result of the game is a draw. All other players will continue playing.
