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Axelrod Gunnarson

Serie: Italian Legends (ILG)

Rarity: Rare Italian Legends Rare

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Italian Legends
Axelrod Gunnarson | Italian Legends

 Op voorraad 

€ 9,95 (2x)


Veilig betalen met iDeal

 Reactie plaatsen
10-8-2012 14:41:00

Een semi-noble dan... kun je nagaan

7-8-2012 11:45:00

En Falkenrath Noble triggered op alle doodgaande beesten, Axelrod alleen op degenen die hij zelf neerhaalt.

7-8-2012 11:23:00

Een Falkenrath Noble van 8 mana uit den ouden doosch.
Dit was de tijd dat elke ability op een creature de CMC met 1 ophoogde...


Legendary Creature - Giant 5 / 5

Whenever a creature dealt damage by Axelrod Gunnarson this turn dies, you gain 1 life and Axelrod deals 1 damage to target player or planeswalker.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Commander

Officiele rulings

Each time a creature is put into a graveyard from play, check whether Axelrod Gunnarson had dealt any damage to it at any time during that turn. (This includes combat damage.) If so, Axelrod Gunnarson’s second ability will trigger. It doesn’t matter who controlled the creature or whose graveyard it was put into.

If Axelrod Gunnarson and a creature it dealt damage to are both put into a graveyard at the same time, Axelrod Gunnarson’s second ability will trigger.

The player you target with Axelrod Gunnarson’s ability doesn’t have to be the player that controlled the creature that was put into a graveyard.
