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Betrayers (BOK)

De kaarten uit deze serie van Magic the Gathering.

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+ - Naam + - Prijs + - Serie + - Kleur + - + - + - Foil + -
Baku Altar € 0,40 BOK Colorless R
€ 1,25
Blazing Shoal € 1,95 BOK Red R
€ 5,95
Chisei, Heart of Oceans € 0,60 BOK Blue R
€ 4,95
Clash of Realities € 0,40 BOK Red R
€ 9,95
Day of Destiny € 2,95 BOK White R
€ 7,95
Disrupting Shoal € 1,50 BOK Blue R
€ 14,95
Enshrined Memories € 0,60 BOK Green R
€ 1,75
Final Judgment € 2,95 BOK White R
€ 7,95
Fumiko the Lowblood € 1,00 BOK Red R
€ 39,95
Genju of the Realm € 2,95 BOK Multicolored R
€ 4,95
Goryo’s Vengeance € 21,95 BOK Black R
€ 69,95
Heartless Hidetsugu € 3,50 BOK Red R
€ 49,95
Hero’s Demise € 1,00 BOK Black R
€ 1,25
Higure, the Still Wind € 14,95 BOK Blue R
€ 29,95
Hokori, Dust Drinker € 4,95 BOK White R
€ 14,95
In the Web of War € 1,95 BOK Red R
€ 4,95
Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni € 19,95 BOK Black R
€ 49,95
Isao, Enlightened Bushi € 4,95 BOK Green R
€ 14,95
Ishi-Ishi, Akki Crackshot € 0,40 BOK Red R
€ 9,95
Iwamori of the Open Fist € 0,35 BOK Green R
€ 3,95
Kentaro, the Smiling Cat € 1,00 BOK White R
€ 24,95
Kira, Great Glass-Spinner € 9,95 BOK Blue R
€ 29,95
Kodama of the Center Tree € 0,35 BOK Green R
€ 1,50
Kyoki, Sanity’s Eclipse € 0,50 BOK Black R
€ 9,95
Lifegift € 4,95 BOK Green R
€ 49,95
Mannichi, the Fevered Dream € 0,35 BOK Red R
€ 1,25
Mirror Gallery € 9,95 BOK Colorless R
€ 39,95
Neko-Te € 3,95 BOK Colorless R
€ 9,95
Nourishing Shoal € 1,00 BOK Green R
€ 19,95
Opal-Eye, Konda’s Yojimbo € 1,95 BOK White R
€ 59,95

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