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Bludgeon Brawl

Serie: New Phyrexia (NPH)

Rarity: Rare New Phyrexia Rare

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
New Phyrexia
Bludgeon Brawl | New Phyrexia

 Op voorraad 

€ 0,30 (4x)



€ 0,75


Veilig betalen met iDeal

 Reactie plaatsen
20-4-2011 19:13:00

Alle landen wel, heb je gelijk 5 +0/+0 equipments eronder liggen. Misschien leuk om deze met Kemba te gebruiken, alle land onder Kemba en dan maar katten krijgen.

Dit is echt by far m'n favoriete kaart uit de set. Een ander idee was om met liquimetal coating (Lattice kan ook) van Jace een artifact te maken en dan aan Gideon in creature vorm te equipen.
'Jace I need a hand.'
'What? ok, Aaaaah'

20-4-2011 19:04:00

Alleen non-creature worden equipments

20-4-2011 18:34:00

Opvolgen met Murderous Spoils om de pret compleet te maken

20-4-2011 18:32:00

Bludgeon Brawl + Mycosynth Lattice + Vulshok Battlemaster = KABOEM!!!

Alle permanents op Battlemaster!



Each noncreature, non-Equipment artifact is an Equipment with equip X and "Equipped creature gets +X/+0," where X is that artifact's converted mana cost.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Commander

Officiele rulings

The affected artifacts retain their other types and abilities.

An Equipment that’s also a creature can’t be equipped to anything.

If an artifact affected by Bludgeon Brawl later becomes a creature, Bludgeon Brawl’s effect no longer applies to it. That artifact will stop being an Equipment and become unattached from any creature it was attached to; it will remain on the battlefield. The same thing if Bludgeon Brawl leaves the battlefield.

While Bludgeon Brawl is on the battlefield, an Aura enchantment that somehow becomes an artifact in addition to its other types will also become an Equipment. Any of its abilities that refer to either “enchanted creature” or “equipped creature” refer to the creature it’s currently attached to. It can be attached to other creatures using its equip ability. If you try to attach the Aura Equipment to a creature it can’t legally be attached to, it remains where it is. If the creature it’s attached to becomes an illegal permanent for it to enchant, the Aura Equipment will be put into its owner’s graveyard as a state-based action.
