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Throne of Geth

Serie: Scars of Mirrodin (SOM)

Rarity: Uncommon Scars of Mirrodin Uncommon

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Double Masters
Scars of Mirrodin
Throne of Geth | Scars of Mirrodin


€ 0,30



€ 4,95 (2x)


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 Reactie plaatsen
3-10-2010 09:52:00

dus bij deze kaart krijgt iedere creature met counters erop evenveel counters als de creature met de minste counters op hem?

Global Moderator NederMagic Rules Advisor Xander (1) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
28-9-2010 11:25:00


28-9-2010 11:22:00

Je kan m toch saccen voor zn eigen ability?

27-9-2010 12:14:00

affinity speelt nou niet echt veel dingen met counters erop.
In ieder geval niet wat een artifact saccen waard is aangezien ze dat ook al kunnen met Arcbound Ravager

27-9-2010 11:50:00

In affinity?

27-9-2010 00:53:00

Best wel een leuke kaart, ik houd van activated abilties zonder manacost.

26-9-2010 22:21:00


26-9-2010 22:18:00

Uiteraard. Daarom is Proliferate ook zo goed!

26-9-2010 22:16:00

He wacht eens even, deze kan je ook voor Planeswalkers gebruiken. Grappig.



T, Sacrifice an artifact: Proliferate. (You choose any number of permanents and/or players with counters on them, then give each another counter of a kind already there.)

NederMagic FAQ

Vraag: Hoe werk proliferate?
Antwoord: Dat kun je hier lezen.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Commander

Officiele rulings

You can choose any player that has a counter, including yourself.

You can choose any permanent that has a counter, including ones controlled by opponents. You can’t choose cards in any zone other than the battlefield, even if they have counters on them, such as suspended cards or a Lightning Storm on the stack.

You don’t have to choose every permanent or player that has a counter, only the ones you want to add another counter to. Since “any number” includes zero, you don’t have to choose any permanents at all, and you don’t have to choose any players at all.

If a permanent chosen this way has multiple kinds of counters on it, only a single new counter is put on that permanent.

Players can respond to the spell or ability whose effect includes proliferating. Once that spell or ability starts to resolve, however, and its controller chooses which permanents and players will get new counters, it’s too late for anyone to respond.

You may sacrifice Throne of Geth to activate its ability.
