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Myr Propagator

Serie: Scars of Mirrodin (SOM)

Rarity: Rare Scars of Mirrodin Rare

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Scars of Mirrodin
Myr Propagator | Scars of Mirrodin


€ 0,40



€ 1,00

 Reactie plaatsen
29-9-2010 09:57:00

Ach, grote Fireball casten is altijd leuk.

Red (85) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
29-9-2010 09:53:00

Gaan we veel Myr decks zien op evenementen? Aangezien je met die untap myr infinte mana kan bouwen, met deze erbij infinite beestjes. En naar mijn idee was infinite in T2 nog nooit zo makkelijk geweest, en 10.000.000 mana per buurt is toch altijd beter dan 5 toch. Of maakt 't weinig uit in T2? Ben zelf geen tournooi-boy maar ben vraag me af wat de Myr's gaan doen op dat gebied. Of maakt 't weinig uit tegen alle andere enge dingen in de sets?

29-9-2010 08:32:00

gewone {=myr propagators}.

Bij copyen wordt alleen de originele kaart gecopy'd. Equipment e.d. wordt niet meegerekend.

29-9-2010 08:27:00

Maar hoe werkt dit dan met een kaart zoals True Conviction? Of zoiets simpels als een Giant Growth?

Official Judge Mark (337) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
28-9-2010 13:11:00


28-9-2010 13:08:00

Dus de copy kan ook weer copy's maken als ik het goed lees?

26-9-2010 15:22:00

gewone {=myr propagators}.

Bij copyen wordt alleen de originele kaart gecopy'd. Equipment e.d. wordt niet meegerekend.

Boss (29) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
26-9-2010 15:20:00

Als je hier bv Loxodon Warhammer onder hebt, maak je dan 4/1 tramplende lifelinkers of nog steeds 1/1 crapzors?

26-9-2010 15:14:00

Ik weet niet wat ik van deze kaart moet denken, dus denk A.U.B. ff mee tongue smile


Artifact Creature - Myr 1 / 1

3, T: Create a token that's a copy of Myr Propagator.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Commander

Officiele rulings

Normally, when a token is created by this ability, it will simply be a Myr Propagator, so it’ll also have the token-creating ability. (See below for weird exceptions.)

Here’s the detailed version of what happens. As the token is created, it checks the printed values of the Myr Propagator it’s copying - or, if the Myr Propagator whose ability was activated was itself a token, the original characteristics of that token as stated by the effect that put it onto the battlefield - as well as any copy effects that have been applied to it. It won’t copy counters on the Myr Propagator, nor will it copy other effects that have changed Myr Propagator’s power, toughness, types, color, or so on.

If Myr Propagator has left the battlefield by the time its ability resolves, you’ll still put a token onto the battlefield. That token has the copiable values of the characteristics of Myr Propagator as it last existed on the battlefield.

Here are the weird exceptions promised above. If any copy effects have affected the Myr Propagator whose ability was activated, they’re taken into account when the token is created. For example: If Myr Propagator’s ability is activated, then Myr Propagator temporarily becomes a copy of another creature before its ability resolves (due to Cytoshape, perhaps), the token will be a copy of whatever creature the Myr Propagator is currently a copy of. After the turn ends, the Cytoshaped Myr Propagator reverts back to what it was, but the token will stay as it is. Also, if the copy ability of a creature (such as Cemetery Puca, perhaps) makes it become a copy of Myr Propagator and gain another ability, the token created by this creature’s ability will be a Myr Propagator with that additional ability.
