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Fight to the Death

Serie: Alara Reborn (ARB)

Rarity: Rare Alara Reborn Rare

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Alara Reborn
Fight to the Death | Alara Reborn


€ 0,50



€ 1,50

 Reactie plaatsen
1-3-2011 21:41:00

Palace Guard

Official Judge Mark (337) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
20-1-2011 12:18:00

Jouw ervaring?

Maar niet alles is dood, alleen degene die met elkaar knokken. Alles dat niet geblocked is of niet blockt, blijft leven.

20-1-2011 12:15:00

Alles is dood?!? Mijn ervaring met gevechten tot de dood erop volgt, is dat er altijd één is, die die op één na laatste persoon doodslaat en dan zelf overblijft.



Destroy all blocking creatures and all blocked creatures.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Commander

Officiele rulings

A “blocking creature” is one that has been declared as a blocker this combat, or one that was put onto the battlefield blocking this combat. Unless that creature leaves combat, it continues to be a blocking creature through the end of combat step, even if the creature or creatures that it was blocking are no longer on the battlefield or have otherwise left combat by then.

A “blocked creature” is an attacking creature that has been blocked by a creature this combat, or has become blocked as the result of a spell or ability this combat. Unless the attacking creature leaves combat, it continues to be a blocked creature through the end of combat step, even if the creature or creatures that blocked it are no longer on the battlefield or have otherwise left combat by then.

Attacking creatures that haven’t been blocked are unaffected by Fight to the Death.

If Fight to the Death is cast before blockers are declared or after combat ends, it won’t do anything.
