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Skill Borrower

Serie: Shards of Alara (ALA)

Rarity: Rare Shards of Alara Rare

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Shards of Alara
Skill Borrower | Shards of Alara


€ 0,40



€ 2,95 (5x)


Veilig betalen met iDeal

 Reactie plaatsen
NederMagic Rules Advisor G (253) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
11-4-2010 21:08:00

Daar kan je nog steeds wat mee hoor.
Skillborrower neemt alle Activated abilities over van de Levelers, dus neem nou die Assassin, met zijn -2/-2 en zijn -4/-4 die kan ze dan gewoon gebruiken. Tenzij ik er heel erg naast zit.

Met die Enclave Cryptologist kan ze of Filteren of drawen. En met die groene tokens maken.

11-4-2010 20:43:00

Niet echt, aangezien hij alleen activated abilities overneemt, dus dan kun je er level counters op leggen die niets doen.

NederMagic Rules Advisor G (253) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
11-4-2010 15:13:00

Borrower zou best nog eens play kunnen gaan zien, met de Levelers.

Bode (56) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
23-2-2010 20:54:00

deze is relaxed met een top ernaast, kan je ze allebei returnen...


Artifact Creature - Human Wizard 1 / 3

Play with the top card of your library revealed.
As long as the top card of your library is an artifact or creature card, Skill Borrower has all activated abilities of that card. (If any of the abilities use that card's name, use this creature's name instead.)

NederMagic FAQ

Vraag: is dit de kaart van de dag geweest?
Antwoord: yep!


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Commander

Officiele rulings

The only difference between a colored artifact and a colorless artifact is, obviously, its color. Unlike most artifacts, a colored artifact requires colored mana to cast. Also unlike most artifacts, a colored artifact has a color in all zones. It will interact with cards that care about color. Other than that, a colored artifact behaves just like any other artifact. It will interact as normal with any card that cares about artifacts, such as Shatter or Arcbound Ravager.

Activated abilities contain a colon. They’re generally written “[Cost]: [Effect].” Some keywords are activated abilities; they have colons in their reminder text.

If an effect tells you to draw several cards, reveal each one before you draw it. Skill Borrower will momentarily gain the activated abilities of artifact and creature cards revealed this way, but you won’t be able to activate those abilities while the effect is still happening.

If the top card of your library changes while you’re activating one of Skill Borrower’s activated abilities gained from that card, the ability will still be activated and will resolve normally even though Skill Borrower has lost that ability.

Skill Borrower may gain activated abilities that it can’t use. For example, if the top card of your library is an artifact or creature card with cycling, Skill Borrower will have cycling. However, since cycling can’t be activated from the battlefield, this won’t have any significant benefit. The same is true for unearth.
