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Cemetery Puca

Serie: Shadowmoor (SHM)

Rarity: Rare Shadowmoor Rare

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Cemetery Puca | Shadowmoor


€ 1,50



€ 3,50

 Reactie plaatsen
20-1-2010 15:40:00


20-1-2010 15:34:00

In de graveyard wordt het weer een land. Dus het kan helaas niet.

20-1-2010 15:25:00

Als Forbidding Watchtower of een andersoortig land met creature-ability doodgaat als creature-zijnde, mag Cemetery Puca er dan ook een kopie van worden als ik daarvoor betaal of is het dan alweer een land??


Creature - Shapeshifter 1 / 2

Whenever a creature dies, you may pay 1. If you do, Cemetery Puca becomes a copy of that creature, except it has this ability.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Commander

Officiele rulings

This effect has no duration. If you use the ability, Cemetery Puca will remain a copy of the creature until it leaves the battlefield or you use the ability again. If it becomes a copy of a different creature card, the new copy will overwrite the old copy.

Cemetery Puca copies the printed values of the creature, plus any copy effects that have been applied to it. It won’t copy other effects that have changed the creature’s power, toughness, types, color, or so on. It also won’t copy counters on the creature (it’ll just retain the counters it already has).

If Cemetery Puca becomes a copy of a token, it copies the original characteristics of that token as stated by the effect that put it onto the battlefield. It does not become a token.

Cemetery Puca’s ability isn’t targeted. It can copy a creature with shroud or protection.

If multiple creatures are put into their owners’ graveyards at the same time, Cemetery Puca’s ability will trigger once for each of those creatures. You choose the order that those abilities will resolve. It’s possible to pay 1, have Cemetery Puca become a copy of something, activate an activated ability of that creature, then pay 1 again, for example. It will end up a copy of the last creature card paid for.
