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Sigarda, Host of Herons

Serie: Ultimate Masters (UMA)

Rarity: Mythic Ultimate Masters Mythic

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Avacyn Restored
Ultimate Box Toppers
Ultimate Masters
Sigarda, Host of Herons | Ultimate Masters


€ 7,95



€ 14,00

 Reactie plaatsen
18-4-2012 22:45:00

Het is wel 5 mana he, dat is best wel veel. En Legend, dat maakt haar ook wat slechter (niet zo veel maar toch, het kan een nadeel zijn). Maar voornamelijk zal die 5 mana haar nekken.

18-4-2012 22:43:00

deze gaat pijn doen in Legacy denk.
Maverick gaat deze ongetwijfeld spelen gok ik...


Legendary Creature - Angel 5 / 5

Flying, hexproof
Spells and abilities your opponents control can't cause you to sacrifice permanents.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Commander

Officiele rulings

As a spell or ability an opponent controls resolves, if it would force you to sacrifice a permanent, you just don’t. That part of the effect does nothing. If that spell or ability gives you the option to sacrifice a permanent (as Desecration Demon does), you can’t take that option.

If a spell or ability an opponent controls states something happens unless you sacrifice a permanent (as Mogis, God of Slaughter does), you can’t choose to sacrifice a permanent. On the other hand, if a spell or ability an opponent controls instructs you to sacrifice a permanent unless you perform an action (as Killing Wave does), you can choose whether or not to perform the action. If you don’t perform the action, nothing happens, since you can’t sacrifice any permanents.

Sigarda’s ability affects only sacrifices. It won’t stop a creature from dying due to lethal damage or having 0 toughness, and it won’t stop a permanent from being put into its owner’s graveyard due to the “legend rule.” None of these are sacrifices; they’re the result of game rules.
