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Serie: Masters 25 (A25)

Rarity: Rare Masters 25 Rare

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Masters 25
Shadows over Innistrad
Triskaidekaphobia | Masters 25


€ 0,35



€ 0,70


Andere versie wel op voorraad.

 Reactie plaatsen
30-3-2016 15:01:00

Je zou er bijna Triskaidekaphobia van krijgen!

EDIT: Oja, en het aantal keren dat er naar 13 word gerefereerd, d.m.v. van de dingen die jij opnoemt, is ook 13.

30-3-2016 15:00:00

Favoriete kaart in Shadows wat betreft Flavor:

13 tools on the wall
13 blood drips
13 rivets on the barrel
13 stones on the outer wall of the fireplace
13 stones on the arch of the fireplace
13 pieces of wood in the fireplace
13 planks of wood shown for the ceiling
13 planks of wood shown between the shown walls
13 shards of broken glass on the floor
13 tree branches in the forest
13 non letter words in the top ability choice
13 non letter words in the bottom ability choice
Mana cost is B3 (13)



At the beginning of your upkeep, choose one -
- Each player with exactly 13 life loses the game, then each player gains 1 life.
- Each player with exactly 13 life loses the game, then each player loses 1 life.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Commander

Officiele rulings

You can choose a mode even if no player will lose the game. Players will still gain or lose life as appropriate.

If you choose Triskaidekaphobia’s second mode and begin to resolve it while an opponent’s life total is 13 and your life total is 1, that opponent will lose the game before you lose 1 life.

If each player has 13 life as Triskaidekaphobia’s ability resolves, the game ends in a draw.

In a Two-Headed Giant game, each team with 13 life loses the game, then each player on each team gains or loses 1 life, causing the team’s life total to go up or down by 2.
