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Archangel of Strife

Serie: FtV Angels (V15)

Rarity: Mythic FtV Angels Mythic

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Commander 2011
Commander Anthology I
FtV Angels
Archangel of Strife | FtV Angels


€ 1,00

 Reactie plaatsen
12-3-2011 12:19:00

hmm ik zie hier wel mogelijkheden mee

Official Judge Mark (337) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
12-3-2011 10:54:00

Nieuwe Commander kaart toegevoegd!


Creature - Angel 6 / 6

As Archangel of Strife enters the battlefield, each player chooses war or peace.
Creatures controlled by players who chose war get +3/+0.
Creatures controlled by players who chose peace get +0/+3.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Commander

Officiele rulings

Archangel of Strife’s second and third abilities are linked. Similarly, its second and fourth abilities are linked. The bonus a player’s creatures get depends only on the choice that player made when Archangel of Strife entered the battlefield.

The active player chooses war or peace first, followed by each other player in turn order. Each player will know what previous players chose when making their choice.

Archangel of Strife’s bonuses apply immediately. Depending on your choice, Archangel of Strife will enter the battlefield as either a 9/6 or 6/9 creature.

If there are two Archangels of Strife on the battlefield, and you choose war for one and peace for the other, your creatures get +3/+3.

As soon as Archangel of Strife leaves the battlefield, the bonus stops applying. If it returns to the battlefield, players will be able to make new choices.
