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Infinite Reflection

Serie: Commander 2014 (C14)

Rarity: Rare Commander 2014 Rare

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Avacyn Restored
Commander 2014
Infinite Reflection | Commander 2014


€ 0,40


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 Reactie plaatsen
21-4-2012 11:44:00

Naar aanleiding van een discussie met een aantal vrienden ben ik gaan twijfelen:
Als ik deze onder mijn tegenstanders commander leg, wat gebeurt er dan?
- Mijn creatures en zijn commander dood door legendary rule
- Zijn creatures dood door legendary rule


Enchantment - Aura 

Enchant creature
When Infinite Reflection enters the battlefield attached to a creature, each other nontoken creature you control becomes a copy of that creature.
Nontoken creatures you control enter the battlefield as a copy of enchanted creature.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Commander

Officiele rulings

Infinite Reflection can enchant a creature controlled by another player.

If Infinite Reflection enters the battlefield attached to a creature and then becomes attached to a different creature before its enters-the-battlefield trigger resolves, each other nontoken creature you control will become a copy of the first creature.

If Infinite Reflection leaves the battlefield or becomes attached to a different creature, none of the copy effects end. Your creatures will still be copies of whatever creature each was a copy of.

If Infinite Reflection enters the battlefield attached to a token creature, the nontoken creatures that become copies of that creature are not themselves tokens.

Creatures you control don’t copy whether the enchanted creature is tapped or untapped, whether it has any counters on it, whether it has any Auras and Equipment attached to it, or any noncopy effects that have changed its power, toughness, types, color, or so on.

Because creatures you control enter the battlefield as a copy of the enchanted creature, any enters-the-battlefield triggered abilities printed on such creatures won’t trigger. However, if the enchanted creature has any enters-the-battlefield triggered abilities, those will trigger.

Replacement effects that modify how a permanent enters the battlefield are now applied in the following order: control-changing effects (such as Gather Specimens), then copy effects (such as the abilities of Infinite Reflection and Clone), then all other effects.

If a creature such as Clone is entering the battlefield under your control, there will be two copy effects to apply: the creature’s own and Infinite Reflection’s. No matter what order these effects are applied, the creature will be a copy of the enchanted creature when it enters the battlefield.

Other enters-the-battlefield replacement abilities printed on the creature entering the battlefield won’t be applied because the creature will already be a copy of the enchanted creature at that point (and therefore it won’t have those abilities). For example, if the enchanted creature is Serra Angel, a creature that normally enters the battlefield tapped will enter the battlefield as an untapped copy of Serra Angel, and a creature that would normally enter the battlefield with counters on it will enter the battlefield as a copy of Serra Angel with no counters.

External abilities may still affect how a creature enters the battlefield. For example, if your opponent controls Urabrask the Hidden, which reads, in part, “Creatures your opponents control enter the battlefield tapped,” a creature entering the battlefield under your control will be a tapped copy of the enchanted creature.

If you control more than one Infinite Reflection, you can apply those copy effects in any order. Creatures you control will enter the battlefield as a copy of the one whose copy effect you apply last.
