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Jumpstart (JMP)

De kaarten uit deze serie van Magic the Gathering.

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+ - Naam + - Prijs + - Serie + - Kleur + - + - + - Foil + -
Zurzoth, Chaos Rider JMP Red R
Zombie Infestation JMP Black U
Zendikar’s Roil JMP Green U
Young Pyromancer JMP Red U
Wren’s Run Vanquisher JMP Green U
Woodborn Behemoth JMP Green U
Wizard’s Retort JMP Blue U
Witch of the Moors JMP Black R
Wishful Merfolk JMP Blue C
Winged Words JMP Blue C
Windstorm Drake JMP Blue U
Windreader Sphinx JMP Blue R
Wildsize JMP Green C
Wildheart Invoker JMP Green C
Wight of Precinct Six JMP Black C
Whelming Wave JMP Blue R
Weaver of Lightning JMP Red U
Waterknot JMP Blue C
Warmonger’s Chariot JMP Colorless U
Warfire Javelineer JMP Red U
Warden of Evos Isle JMP Blue U
Wall of Vines JMP Green C
Wall of Lost Thoughts JMP Blue U
Wall of Blossoms JMP Green U
Wailing Ghoul JMP Black C
Voyage’s End JMP Blue C
Volley Veteran JMP Red U
Volcanic Fallout JMP Red U
Voice of the Provinces JMP White C
Verdant Embrace JMP Green R

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