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FtV 20 (F20)

De kaarten uit deze serie van Magic the Gathering.

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+ - Naam + - Prijs + - Serie + - Kleur + - + - + - Foil + -
Wall of Blossoms € 2,25 F20 Green M
Venser, Shaper Savant € 6,95 F20 Blue M
Thran Dynamo € 5,95 F20 Colorless M
Tangle Wire € 6,95 F20 Colorless M
Swords to Plowshares € 8,95 F20 White M
Kessig Wolf Run € 3,95 F20 Land M
Jace, the Mind Sculptor € 54,95 F20 Blue M
Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni € 19,95 F20 Black M
Impulse € 1,95 F20 Blue M
Hymn to Tourach € 3,95 F20 Black M
Green Sun’s Zenith € 11,95 F20 Green M
Gilded Lotus € 7,95 F20 Colorless M
Fyndhorn Elves € 4,95 F20 Green M
Fact or Fiction € 1,50 F20 Blue M
Dark Ritual € 7,95 F20 Black M
Cruel Ultimatum € 2,95 F20 Multicolored M
Char € 0,75 F20 Red M
Chameleon Colossus € 2,95 F20 Green M
Chainer’s Edict € 4,95 F20 Black M
Akroma’s Vengeance € 1,50 F20 White M

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