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Crimson Vow Commander
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Midnight Hunt Commander
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Modern Horizons 2 (MH2)
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Commander 2021 (C21)

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Legends (LEG)

De kaarten uit deze serie van Magic the Gathering.

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+ - Naam + - Prijs + - Serie + - Kleur + - + - + - Foil + -
Abomination € 0,95 LEG Black U
Adventurers’ Guildhouse € 1,50 LEG Land U
Aerathi Berserker € 0,70 LEG Red U
Arboria € 2,95 LEG Green U
Azure Drake € 1,50 LEG Blue U
Backdraft € 0,50 LEG Red U
Backfire € 1,00 LEG Blue U
Barktooth Warbeard € 1,50 LEG Multicolored U
Beasts of Bogardan € 0,50 LEG Red U
Black Mana Battery € 1,00 LEG Colorless U
Blight € 1,20 LEG Black U
Blood Lust € 2,50 LEG Red U
Blue Mana Battery € 1,00 LEG Colorless U
Brine Hag € 3,95 LEG Blue U
Cathedral of Serra € 1,50 LEG Land U
Cocoon € 1,00 LEG Green U
Craw Giant € 1,20 LEG Green U
Crevasse € 0,80 LEG Red U
Deadfall € 0,70 LEG Green U
Demonic Torment € 1,95 LEG Black U
Dream Coat € 1,00 LEG Blue U
Dwarven Song € 2,95 LEG Red U
Eternal Warrior € 0,50 LEG Red U
Evil Eye of Orms-By-Gore € 1,50 LEG Black U
Fallen Angel € 3,95 LEG Black U
Floral Spuzzem € 0,80 LEG Green U
Fortified Area € 0,80 LEG White U
Frost Giant € 0,80 LEG Red U
Great Defender € 1,20 LEG White U
Great Wall € 0,70 LEG White U

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