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[FNM] September - Teetering Peaks

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20-8-2011 13:43:00

De FNM kaart voor september wordt Teetering Peaks.

A large store in my country have confirmed today by twitter the next fnm promo is peaks, I don't have the original image, but I have the leak image from the past.

Henrique_Devir Henrique's Tweet:
Nossa, fechou o agendamento segunda dos FNM de setembro e os cards já chegaram! Teetering Peaks pro mês 9. Imagem logo mais no site.
há 8 horas

"We close the schedule at Monday about September FNM and the cards has arrived ! Teetering Peaks for the month 9."

Twitter Account Henrique
MTG Salvation Rumor Mill

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Reacties (1)

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20-8-2011 13:54:00

thanks: Teetering Peaks

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