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22/05 Vintage (15 proxy) at Outpost Gent (BEL)

4-5-2011 23:41:00

Tired of playing "fair" Magic? Feel like casting the most powerful spells ever printed, playing the best possible control deck, or going completely bananas on turn 1?

Magic Club Ghent would like to invite you to:
Vintage Proxy Tournament
@ Outpost Ghent
Sun. 22 / 05 / 2011

Registration : 11:30 / Start: 12:00
Entrance fee : 10 euro
Structure : x rounds of swiss + cut to top8/top4
Prizes : singles (duallands, fetches, Force of Will's,… and/or boosters (prizes according to attendance)

Street adress:
Outpost Gent
Ottergemsesteenweg 13
9000 Gent

Additional info:
+ Non-sanctioned Vintage.
+ Up to 15 proxies* allowed!
+ The perfect opportunity to get to know this exciting format, in a casual environment and without having to worry about card availability.

* Full name and relevant text must be present on your proxy. Make sure the original card doesn't shine through your sleeves.
Don't use a ballpoint pen, as it will damage and mark your cards.

See you there?


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