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[KVD] Duel Decks: Knights vs Dragons

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12-10-2010 08:05:00

Valor and Steel Clash with Rage and Fire!

The greatest knights have gathered together to once and for all end the reign of terror that has plagued their lands for centuries. Holy paladins, noble cavaliers, and swift skyhunters all answer the call to hunt dragons to the death and restore order to the realm.

For dragonkind, the answer is simple—incinerate the invaders! Enraged goblin minions pour from the mountain crags to repel the intruders, but that's only to give the majestic hellkites time to take to the skies and unleash a firestorm that no knight could hope to survive.

A world hangs in the balance. Will you enter the battle under the banner of purity and order or will you plunge the land into chaos and dragonfire?

Deck Design and Development: Chris Millar and Zac Hill
Languages Available: English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish
Release Date: April 1, 2011
MSRP: $19.99

Bron: hier

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Reacties 51-54 (54)

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1-4-2011 23:37:00

Oke, ga morgen eens even kijken

2-4-2011 11:56:00

Valt mij net op dat de art van de 4e Forest in de spoiler afkomstig is van de EURO land 'Schwarzwald' Forest. De andere forests ken ik niet dus ik vroeg me af: Wordt dat vaker gedaan? Euro of Apac art in duel deck of andere precons?

2-4-2011 16:08:00

Teun Zijp (Judge omgeving Amsterdam) heeft hem hier gereviewd.

17-6-2011 18:33:00


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