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Serie: M11 (M11)

Rarity: Uncommon M11 Uncommon

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Serie Normaal Foil
Modern Masters 2015
Combust | M11

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 Reactie plaatsen
18-7-2010 18:43:00

Protection zegt:
geen Damage
can't be Enchanted/equipped/fortified
can't be Blocked
can't be Targeted

Wat er gebeurt is dat de protection zorgt dat het creature niet meer getarget kan worden, en het wezen is geen legal target meer, waardoor combust gecountered wordt on resolution. Een kor firewalker kan je om die reden niet targetten hiermee.

De andere situatie is bijvoorbeeld een Pyroclasm en Unstable Footing. Omdat pyroclasm niet target wordt aan wezens met protection from red ook damage toegewezen. Door de protection wordt deze damage normaal prevented. Maar nu zegt unstable footing dat de damage niet prevented kan worden. In dit geval zou je firewalker wel dood gaan.

18-7-2010 18:39:00

Brave the elements zorgt ervoor dat de target niet legaal is, dus wordt ie gecounterd. Met een cancel kan het inderdaad niet.

18-7-2010 18:37:00

* ook Cancel countered combust NIET** sorry

18-7-2010 18:36:00

weet je dat erg zeker? Damage Cant be prevented... dit werkt dus ook op kor firewalker? Waarom dan ook niet als je iemand protection van rood geeft? Cancel countered combust

16-7-2010 15:43:00

Brave the Elements

Counter target Combust ;-)

rory (6) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
16-7-2010 15:42:00

combust can't be countered

destroy target BSA



This spell can't be countered.
Combust deals 5 damage to target white or blue creature. The damage can't be prevented.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Commander

Officiele rulings

Combust can be targeted by spells and abilities that try to counter it (such as Cancel). Those spells and abilities will resolve, but the part of their effect that would counter Combust won’t do anything. Any other effects those spells and abilities have will work as normal.

If the targeted creature is an illegal target by the time Combust would resolve, Combust won’t resolve for having an illegal target.

Spells that create prevention effects affecting the targeted creature can still be cast, and abilities that create prevention effects affecting the targeted creature can still be activated. However, damage prevention shields (including those created before Combust was cast) don’t have any effect on the damage dealt by Combust. If such a prevention effect has an additional effect, the additional effect will still work (if possible).

If a static ability would prevent damage from being dealt to the targeted creature, it fails to prevent the damage dealt by Combust. If that ability has an additional effect that doesn’t depend on the amount of damage prevented, that additional effect will still work. It’s applied just once as Combust resolves.

Effects that replace or redirect damage without using the word “prevent” aren’t affected by Combust; they’ll work as normal.

If a creature is dealt lethal damage by Combust, it can still regenerate. If it does, the damage marked on it will be removed from it.
