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Serie: Unhinged (UNH)

Rarity: Common Unhinged Common

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
S.N.O.T. | Unhinged

 Op voorraad 

€ 0,20 (6x)



€ 0,75


Veilig betalen met iDeal

 Reactie plaatsen
10-8-2011 13:02:00

Vieze kaart dit

10-8-2011 12:28:00

Dan werk het dus.

10-8-2011 12:24:00


Q: If one part of S.N.O.T. has summoning sickness does the entire creature have summoning sickness?

A: The opposite is actually true. As long as any part of S.N.O.T. doesn't have summoning sickness, the creature is allowed to attack.

10-8-2011 12:11:00

Beurt 1 Forest -> S.N.O.T.
Beurt 2 Bayou->Dark Ritual->Pack Hunt (zoek 3 S.N.O.T.)
Beurt 3 Forest -> speel 3 S.N.O.T., val aan voor 16.
Hoewel ik me afvraag af S.N.O.T. dan summoning sickness heeft.

NederMagic Rules Advisor G (253) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
1-3-2011 07:58:00

Ook wel de perfecte Curve.
- Beurt 1 Tropical Island
-> Speel Dit.
- Beurt 2 Island / Tropical Island
-> Speel 2x Retraced Image en leg 2x Snot neer.
- Beurt 3 Landje
-> Mitotic Manipulation into Snot.
- Beurt 4 Landje
-> Speel Clone into Snot.
- Speel Landje
-> Speel Followed Footsteps

Pointless, maar goed. Unhinged, ftw. o:

28-8-2010 19:05:00

Deze met Followed Footsteps tongue smile


Creature - Ooze *{^2} / *{^2}

As S.N.O.T. comes into play, you may stick it onto another creature named S.N.O.T. in play. If you do, all those creatures form a single creature.
S.N.O.T.'s power and toughness are equal to the square of the number of S.N.O.T.s stuck together. (One is a 1/1, two are a 4/4, three are a 9/9, and four are a 16/16.)
