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Ninth Bridge Patrol

Serie: Commander Legends (CMR)

Rarity: Common Commander Legends Common

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Commander Legends
Ninth Bridge Patrol | Commander Legends

 Op voorraad 

€ 0,15 (8x)



€ 0,25 (2x)


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 Reactie plaatsen
13-1-2017 14:49:00

Iedereen heeft het over Saheeli, maar met twee van die nieuwe Felidar Guardians kan je ook infinite counters op deze kerel leggen. Props aan wie dat tijdens een draft voor elkaar krijgt.


Creature - Dwarf Soldier 1 / 1

Whenever another creature you control leaves the battlefield, put a +1/+1 counter on Ninth Bridge Patrol.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Commander

Officiele rulings

2016-09-20 - wotc
If Ninth Bridge Patrol and another creature you control die simultaneously (perhaps because they were both attacking or blocking), Ninth Bridge Patrol won't be on the battlefield as its triggered ability resolves. It can't be saved by the +1/+1 counter that would have been put on it.

2016-09-20 - wotc
Ninth Bridge Patrol's ability doesn't care where the creature went or whether it's a creature in its new zone. It may have died, been exiled, returned to your hand, and so on. It won't trigger if an object remains on the battlefield but ceases to be a creature.
