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Nessian Boar (EA)

Serie: Theros Beyond Death (THB)

Rarity: Rare Theros Beyond Death Rare

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Theros Beyond Death
Theros Beyond Death (EA)
Nessian Boar | Theros Beyond Death


€ 0,01



€ 0,01

 Reactie plaatsen
27-1-2020 15:52:00

Gevalletje MelkUnie: "Ik zei nog zo, geen bommetje!"

Casper (2) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
26-1-2020 02:15:00

Lijkt mij slechts een kwestie van op de juiste plaats ter aarde storten.

Premium lid timewa (0) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
26-1-2020 00:09:00

Een zwijn met papieren vleugels... dat die 10 damage kan klappen zeg!

25-1-2020 22:50:00

Op de Prerelease hiermee gewonnen door een Wings of Hubris erop te gooien. Heel droog 2x aanvallen en klaar. 2de beurt had hij wel een flyer liggen maar ja gewoon de Wings saccen en klaar.


Creature - Boar 10 / 6

All creatures able to block Nessian Boar do so.
Whenever Nessian Boar becomes blocked by a creature, that creature's controller draws a card.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Standard, Commander

Officiele rulings

2020-01-24 - wotc
If a creature can't block Nessian Boar for any reason (such as being tapped), then it doesn't block. If there's a cost associated with having it block, the player isn't forced to pay that cost, so it doesn't have to block in that case either. If there's a cost associated with having it block Nessian Boar, but not to block other attacking creatures, that creature is free to block one of those other creatures or to not block at all.

2020-01-24 - wotc
If a creature is required to block two or more different creatures, its controller chooses which one that creature blocks.

2020-01-24 - wotc
Nessian Boar's second ability triggers for each creature blocking it.

2020-01-24 - wotc
Nessian Boar's second ability resolves before combat damage is dealt, and players have priority to cast spells (such as the cards the defending player just drew) after the ability has resolved but before combat damage is dealt.
