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Library of Leng

Serie: 4th Edition (4ED)

Rarity: Uncommon 4th Edition Uncommon

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
4th Edition
5th Edition
Asian BB 4th
Library of Leng | 4th Edition


€ 1,50

 Reactie plaatsen
8-6-2012 11:50:00

Hahaha die vind ik leuk knop

8-6-2012 10:43:00

Ook zonder zo'n systeem even mijn dank. Ik ben de dag goed begonnen door Sybe's opmerking.

8-6-2012 00:25:00

Waarom is er geen like/+1 knop

Premium lid Official Rules Advisor OB (22) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
8-6-2012 00:23:00

Of "Library", ze wisten het zelf ook niet precies.

8-6-2012 00:18:00

En de man die op de kaart staat afgebeeld heet "leng" ?

28-1-2012 11:42:00

t1 dees
t2 Oath of Druids
t3 Cunning Lethemancer

u bent de man in Commander

Official Judge Mark (337) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
26-10-2010 15:40:00

@sou: ik begrijp wat je bedoelt, maar je bent wel wat onduidelijk. Je bedoelt: omdat het discarden bij cycling een cost is en geen effect, beland de gecyclede kaart in de graveyard en niet bovenop de library smile

26-10-2010 15:36:00

@ Geeviz:
Met cycling wordt de kaart gewoon gediscard.

18-10-2010 00:11:00

10/4/2004 You can't use the Library of Leng ability to place a discarded card on top of your library when you discard a card as a cost, because costs aren't effects.

Wat doet Cycling? winking smile

Global Moderator NederMagic Rules Advisor Xander (1) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
17-10-2010 14:04:00

Dat ook niet by the way.

Het zijn beide replacement effects die het discarden van Sand Golem proberen te vervangen. Dus dan mag jij kiezen in welke volgorde je ze wilt toepassen.

17-10-2010 13:58:00

library of leng heeft dus voorrang op de sand golem?

17-10-2010 13:14:00

'but you may put it on top of your library'

may, dus je mag zelf kiezen.

17-10-2010 12:58:00

Hoe werkt deze kaart met Sand Golem ?

31-8-2010 22:07:00

leuk met Wild Research



You have no maximum hand size.
If an effect causes you to discard a card, discard it, but you may put it on top of your library instead of into your graveyard.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Commander

Officiele rulings

This effect has no effect on the cards being put into the graveyard from a library, because they are not “discarded”.

You can’t use the Library of Leng ability to place a discarded card on top of your library when you discard a card as a cost, because costs aren’t effects.

The discard triggers anything else that triggers on discards.

You can look at a randomly discarded card before deciding where it goes.

The ability applies any time a spell or ability has you discard as part of its effect. It does not matter if you or your opponent control the spell or ability. The discard is forced because it is an effect.

If more than one card is discarded due to a single effect, the Library allows you to decide whether or not to use it on each of the cards. You get to decide the order the cards are placed on the library if more than one goes there.

Since the card goes directly to the library, the card is not revealed unless the spell or ability requiring the discard specifically says it is.

The ability replaces the normal discard action with a discard action that puts the card on the library instead of the graveyard.

If multiple effects modify your hand size, apply them in timestamp order. For example, if you put Null Profusion (an enchantment that says your maximum hand size is two) onto the battlefield and then put Library of Leng onto the battlefield, you’ll have no maximum hand size. However, if those permanents entered the battlefield in the opposite order, your maximum hand size would be two.
