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Vindictive Lich

Serie: Commander 2017 (C17)

Rarity: Rare Commander 2017 Rare

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Commander 2017
Vindictive Lich | Commander 2017


€ 2,50

 Reactie plaatsen
Premium lid Official Rules Advisor OB (22) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
18-8-2018 12:37:00

Wat Jense zegt, damage is rood, losing life is zwart. Veel gebruikte uitleg in magic is de zin: Damage causes loss of life.
Als je per se een zwarte kaart ervoor wilt voorstellen, dan is Kaervek’s Spite het beste aletrnatief.

18-8-2018 11:23:00

Losing life is typisch zwart, direct damage is typisch rood.

18-8-2018 10:43:00

mode 1 stelt Diabolic Edict voor,
mode 2 is waarschijnlijk Mind Rot,
maar mode 3 is... Lava Axe?!!??!?! die is rood!
was ies thies kainda lodzjika?


Creature - Zombie Wizard 4 / 1

When Vindictive Lich dies, choose one or more. Each mode must target a different player.
- Target opponent sacrifices a creature.
- Target opponent discards two cards.
- Target opponent loses 5 life.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Commander

Officiele rulings

You can’t choose more modes for Vindictive Lich’s triggered ability than you have opponents, but you need to choose at least one target if you can.

You don’t have to choose a mode for each opponent. For example, you could make one opponent lose 5 life and spare each other opponent. They might not repay your kindness.
