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Time Distortion

Serie: Planechase 2012 (PC2)

Rarity: Special Planechase 2012 Special

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Planechase 2012
Planechase Anthology
Time Distortion | Planechase 2012

 Op voorraad 

€ 2,95 (3x)


Veilig betalen met iDeal

 Reactie plaatsen
11-3-2017 11:57:00

de aas (met pesten) in mtg vorm.



When you encounter Time Distortion, reverse the game's turn order. (For example, if play had proceeded clockwise around the table, it now goes counterclockwise. Then planeswalk away from this phenomenon.)

Officiele rulings

This effect reverses the turn order established at the beginning of the game. While the order is reversed, anything that cares about this order (such as determining in what order choices are made) will use the new reversed.

If the game’s turn order is reversed again, it will return to the default order used at the beginning of the game.
