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Sylvan Paradise

Serie: Italian Legends (ILG)

Rarity: Uncommon Italian Legends Uncommon

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Italian Legends
Sylvan Paradise | Italian Legends


€ 0,50

 Reactie plaatsen
6-1-2012 12:33:00

Eerst deze, dan Perish bye bye

6-1-2012 01:29:00


is wel het vermelden waard als mtg song

6-1-2012 01:21:00

Aah welke goblin had nou ook al weer de theme song van bad boys als sfeertekst?

6-1-2012 00:33:00

Ach! Hans, Run!
Ach! Hans, Run!
Daze, Counterspell, Force of Will are no fun
They are like a Mind Funeral
Where is the Balance in magic?
Ach! Hans, Run!
Ach! Hans, Run!

(uit de bekende anti-counter magic song uit de 70's van bob cylan)

6-1-2012 00:06:00

aaarrg jammer had zo gehoopt . This aint over yet !!

6-1-2012 00:03:00

David wint.

6-1-2012 00:01:00

Kjeldoran Home Guard

5-1-2012 23:55:00

Take me down to the Sylvan Paradise *City of Brass*,
Where the Elephant Grass is green and the girls are pretty...!

5-1-2012 23:46:00

been spending most their lives, living in the Sylvan Paradise
Coolio: Gangstar's Paradise

5-1-2012 23:38:00

Sweet Birds of Paradise tududududu sweet Birds of Paradise \ snowy white mode off

Ja dat ging nergens over sorrie

5-1-2012 23:09:00

/phill collins mode on
Ow Think Twice, just another day of you and me in Sylvan Paradise!
/phill collins mode off

10-4-2010 20:52:00

alhoewel je hebt zon nieuwe eldrazi kaart die alle colored cards vernielt.. inslaan snel!

10-4-2010 17:26:00

mwoah.. leuk kaartje, slechte ability



Any number of target creatures become green until end of turn.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Commander

Officiele rulings

You can choose to target zero creatures.
