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Leech Bonder

Serie: Shadowmoor (SHM)

Rarity: Uncommon Shadowmoor Uncommon

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Leech Bonder | Shadowmoor

 Op voorraad 

€ 0,20 (8x)



€ 2,50 (2x)


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 Reactie plaatsen
26-5-2010 10:31:00

Als je geen counters kunt verplaatsen omdat er geen counters in het spel zijn, mag je de ability nog niet gebruiken? (als je hem gewoon wilt untappen)


Creature - Merfolk Soldier 3 / 3

Leech Bonder enters the battlefield with two -1/-1 counters on it.
U, Q: Move a counter from target creature onto a second target creature. (Q is the untap symbol.)


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Commander

Officiele rulings

If the permanent is already untapped, you can’t activate its Q ability. That’s because you can’t pay the “Untap this permanent” cost.

If a creature with an Q ability hasn’t been under your control since your most recent turn began, you can’t activate that ability, unless the creature has haste.

When you activate an Q ability, you untap the creature with that ability as a cost. The untap can’t be responded to. (The actual ability can be responded to, of course.)

Leech Bonder’s activated ability can move any kind of counter, not just a -1/-1 counter. It can target any two creatures, whether they have counters on them or not.

This effect may result in a useless counter being placed on a creature. For example, if an age counter is moved from a creature with cumulative upkeep to a creature without cumulative upkeep, it will have no effect on the new creature.

If either one of the target creatures becomes an illegal target (because it left the battlefield or for any other reason), the counter doesn’t move. If both targets become illegal, the ability doesn’t resolve.
