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Yixlid Jailer

Serie: Gateway (GAT)

Rarity: Uncommon Gateway Uncommon

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Future Sight
Time Spiral Remastered
Yixlid Jailer | Gateway


€ 1,95


Andere versie wel op voorraad.

 Reactie plaatsen
11-7-2011 17:49:00

Dat maakt niets uit, Emrakul's trigger heeft het over 'Put into a graveyard from anywhere', dus hij triggert pas zodra hij in de Graveyard ligt. Of dat nu vanuit je library of vanuit de battlefield is. Door de Jailer zal hij dus niet triggeren.

11-7-2011 17:14:00

Is het zo dat als Emrakul door bv shriekmaw naar de GY gaat, dat Emrakul wel triggerd, en als Emrakul gediscard is of alles behalve battlefield. niet?
(*deze is in play)->

26-12-2010 15:41:00

kijk...DIT is nou nog eens een artwork...

19-10-2010 01:28:00

de "put into a graveyard" is al geweest, hij "is in the graveyard" als de yixlid later kapot gaat

19-10-2010 01:14:00

Ja dat weet ik, ik bedoelde wat er dan gebeurt als Jailer later verdwijnt (niet meteen of zelfde beurt ofzo) terwijl Emrakul er nog in ligt.
Maar goed, trigger zal sowieso dan niet meer afgaan.

19-10-2010 00:51:00

klopt. want hij komt eerst in de Graveyardsmile dan pas Trigger zijn abillity
en dat hou deze kaart dus tegen smile

19-10-2010 00:47:00

(Ik neem aan dat de trigger niet meer afgaat en Emmy gewoon in de graveyard blijft)

19-10-2010 00:45:00

Wat gebeurt er als deze ligt, ik dan Emrakul, the Aeons Torn opzoek met Entomb, en bijv later in de beurt de Jailer verdwijnt?

14-10-2010 21:40:00

Kwam net dit hier tegen en moest meteen aan deze kaart denken : )

5-4-2010 02:57:00

Nog een reden om m'n lievelingskaart te spelen

5-4-2010 02:00:00

Met deze in play kun je de Legendary Eldrazi in je GY gooien


Creature - Zombie Wizard 2 / 1

Cards in graveyards lose all abilities.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Commander

Officiele rulings

This removes all abilities on all cards in all graveyards - both the ones that matter in a graveyard (dredge, Chronosavant’s ability, etc.) and those that don’t.

If an ability triggers when the object that has it is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, that ability triggers from the battlefield (such as Deadwood Treefolk or Epochrasite, for example), they won’t be affected by Yixlid Jailer.

If an ability triggers when the object that has it is put into a graveyard from anywhere other than the battlefield, that ability triggers from the graveyard, (such as Krosan Tusker, Narcomoeba, or Quagnoth, for example). Yixlid Jailer will prevent those abilities from triggering at all.

If an ability triggers when the object that has it is put into a hidden zone from a graveyard, that ability triggers from the graveyard, (such as Golgari Brownscale), Yixlid Jailer will prevent that ability from triggering.

Some replacement effects cause a card to be put somewhere else instead of being put into a graveyard (such as Legacy Weapon). These effects mean the card is never actually put into the graveyard, so Yixlid Jailer can’t affect it.

Some cards have abilities that modify how they’re put onto the battlefield. For example, Scarwood Treefolk says “Scarwood Treefolk is put onto the battlefield tapped” and Triskelion says “Triskelion enters the battlefield with three +1/+1 counters on it.” Although these cards won’t have these abilities in the graveyard, they will be applied if the cards are put onto the battlefield from the graveyard (due to Zombify, perhaps). What matters is that these cards will have these abilities on the battlefield.

If Mistform Ultimus is in the graveyard, the Ultimus will lose its ability that says “Mistform Ultimus is every creature type,” but it will still *be* all creature types. The way continuous effects work, Mistform Ultimus’s type-changing ability is applied before Yixlid Jailer’s ability removes it.
