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Artificial Evolution

Serie: Onslaught (ONS)

Rarity: Rare Onslaught Rare

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Artificial Evolution | Onslaught

 Op voorraad 

€ 1,95 (2x)



€ 29,95


Veilig betalen met iDeal

 Reactie plaatsen
7-11-2011 21:37:00

en die kunnen geen warriors blocken toch

hdg Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
18-10-2011 15:49:00

of Cowards!! die zijn er inmiddels ook

18-10-2011 13:18:00

Je vergeet Leviathans, het ultieme timmy creature type

18-10-2011 09:55:00

En goat het allergaafste creaturetype mag wel, alleen daarom zou je de kaart spelen om mensen een hartverzakking te bezorgen van de opmerking, "ik zou daar wel goats van willen maken"

Of: Didgeridoo + eldrazi's

10-9-2011 22:21:00

Nou ja, construct kan wel. En golem.

10-9-2011 21:44:00


10-9-2011 18:14:00

Vind het flauw dat je ze nog steeds geen wall mag maken, ook nu het geen nadeel meer heeft om wall te zijn.



Change the text of target spell or permanent by replacing all instances of one creature type with another. The new creature type can't be Wall. (This effect lasts indefinitely.)


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Commander

Officiele rulings

If a creature’s creature type has been changed by a spell or ability, changing the card’s text won’t affect or alter the new creature type.

Alters all occurrences of the chosen word in the text box and the type line of the given card.

Can target a card with no appropriate words on it, or even one with no words at all.

It can’t change a word to the same word. It must be a different word.

It only changes what is printed on the card (or set on a token when it was created or set by a copy effect). It will not change any effects that are on the permanent.

You choose the words to change on resolution.

You can’t change proper nouns (i.e. card names) such as “Island Fish Jasconius”.

Changing the text of a spell will not allow you to change the targets of the spell because the targets were chosen when the spell was cast. The text change will (probably) cause it to be countered since the targets will be illegal.

If you change the text of a spell which is to become a permanent, the permanent will retain the text change until the effect wears off.
