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Enduring Renewal

Serie: Ice Age (ICE)

Rarity: Rare Ice Age Rare

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Ice Age
Oversized Cards        
Time Spiral TS
Enduring Renewal | Ice Age


€ 1,00

 Reactie plaatsen
Nyx Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
24-10-2010 23:02:00

Even voor de duidelijkheid je kan met een creature die gesacced wordt niet een oneindige combo maken, omdat dat een ability is en je daar haste voor nodig hebt om gelijk te activeren
Even dat je het weet.

30-8-2010 17:09:00

volgens mij werkt de combo dan niet want je sact em voor de mana ability en niet voor de dmg van de goblin bomb.
de infinite leven kan je wel doen op deze wijze.

30-8-2010 16:13:00

Wild Cantor werkt veel beter.. zo speel ik hem smile



Play with your hand revealed.
If you would draw a card, reveal the top card of your library instead. If it's a creature card, put it into your graveyard. Otherwise, draw a card.
Whenever a creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, return it to your hand.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Commander

Officiele rulings

Enduring Renewal only affects creature cards that are “drawn”. It doesn’t affect cards that are put into your hand from your library, or from anywhere else.

If the creature is only a creature due to an effect, it still goes to your hand. This includes any way to animate a card.

Token creatures cease to exist if they leave the battlefield, so this effect will not let you get them in your hand.

The last ability is now a triggered ability, not a replacement effect. That means your opponent has the opportunity to remove the card from your graveyard while the triggered ability is still on the stack.

Unless something weird happens, the card you draw as a result of the second ability will be the card you revealed.

If, after the last ability triggers, the creature card is removed from your graveyard in response, it won’t be returned to your hand.
