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Rainbow Vale

Serie: Fallen Empires (FEM)

Rarity: Rare Fallen Empires Rare

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Serie Normaal Foil
Fallen Empires
Rainbow Vale | Fallen Empires

 Op voorraad 

€ 19,95 (1x)


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 Reactie plaatsen
17-1-2012 20:13:00

als ze m teruggeven, houdt je gewoon je beschikking over je alle kleuren zonder drawback landje, das ook niet verkeerd natuurlijk

17-1-2012 19:35:00

Nog leuker in een 6-man-multiplayer! Moet je er wel even een chip in verwerken, wie weet waar jou landje komt..

17-1-2012 19:34:00

Dat wel, maar effectief is het niet. Tegenstanders geven m gewoon weer terug

17-1-2012 19:27:00

Is wel pittig thematisch, toch?

17-1-2012 19:26:00

speelnaar in Zedruu the Greathearted edh?



T: Add one mana of any color. An opponent gains control of Rainbow Vale at the beginning of the next end step.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Commander

Officiele rulings

Only changes controller at the end of a turn in which it was tapped for mana. It does not change controller if it is not tapped for mana.

Stays in the same tapped/untapped state it is in when it switches controllers.

If control of Rainbow Vale has somehow changed before the “at end of turn” ability resolves, the player who activated the mana ability (not the current controller of Rainbow Vale) chooses one of their opponents to gain control of it.

If Rainbow Vale’s ability is activated during an End step, its “at the beginning of the end step” trigger won’t trigger until the End step of the next turn. If its ability is activated again during that turn, its “at the beginning of the end step” ability will trigger twice at the End step of that turn.

If more than one player manages to tap it for mana in a given turn, then two control-change abilities will trigger at end of the turn. These abilities resolve using the standard order for such things, so the active player’s triggers are put on the stack first, then the opponents’.

The opponent is chosen when the “at end of turn” triggered ability resolves.
