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The Gitrog Monster

Serie: Shadows over Innistrad (SOI)

Rarity: Mythic Shadows over Innistrad Mythic

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Shadows over Innistrad
The Gitrog Monster | Shadows over Innistrad


€ 7,95



€ 14,95

 Reactie plaatsen
31-3-2016 10:08:00

Ik hoop echt dat ik deze open op de Prerelease.
Iedere keer als je m speelt: IK KNIKKER DE KIKKER.

30-3-2016 21:07:00

Ik vind hem hilarisch, die boze blik in zijn ogen

30-3-2016 14:55:00

The Gitgud Frog!

Dakmor Salvage + Seismic Assault + The Gitrog Monster = kill.


Legendary Creature - Frog Horror 6 / 6

At the beginning of your upkeep, sacrifice The Gitrog Monster unless you sacrifice a land.
You may play an additional land on each of your turns.
Whenever one or more land cards are put into your graveyard from anywhere, draw a card.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Commander

Officiele rulings

If multiple land cards are put into your graveyard at once, The Gitrog Monster’s last ability triggers only once. This could happen because an effect (such as that of Crawling Sensation’s first ability) put them there from your library at once, or because they were destroyed at the same time (such as two land creatures that were dealt lethal combat damage).
