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Dread Statuary

Serie: Jace vs Vraska (JVV)

Rarity: Uncommon Jace vs Vraska Uncommon

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Conspiracy Take the Crown
Jace vs Vraska
Dread Statuary | Jace vs Vraska

 Op voorraad 

€ 0,20 (8x)


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 Reactie plaatsen
20-10-2010 22:06:00

bedoel je als je "golem" kiest om de de ablilty te activeren, in dat geval bij de activering cost gewoon 4 omdat je geen golem cast maar een ablity activeerd

20-10-2010 22:04:00

Hoe werkt de "Becomes" ability met een Urza’s Incubator ?



T: Add C.
4: Dread Statuary becomes a 4/2 Golem artifact creature until end of turn. It's still a land.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Commander

Officiele rulings

A land that becomes a creature may be affected by “summoning sickness.” You can’t attack with it or use any of its T abilities (including its mana abilities) unless it began your most recent turn on the battlefield under your control. Note that summoning sickness cares about when that permanent came under your control, not when it became a creature.

When a land becomes a creature, that doesn’t count as having a creature enter the battlefield. The permanent was already on the battlefield; it only changed its types. Abilities that trigger whenever a creature enters the battlefield won’t trigger.
