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Dryad Militant

Serie: Return to Ravnica (RTR)

Rarity: Uncommon Return to Ravnica Uncommon

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Game Day
Return to Ravnica
Dryad Militant | Return to Ravnica

 Op voorraad 

€ 0,15 (8x)



€ 1,95 (1x)


Veilig betalen met iDeal

 Reactie plaatsen
10-9-2012 10:22:00

Neem ik aan, maar ik denk niet alleen in standard. Dredge vindt dit ook bijzonder niet grappig (dread return hell yeah)

10-9-2012 01:59:00

Duidelijk bedoeld als flashback-hoser in standard?

9-9-2012 10:08:00

Ben benieuwd hoe deze gaat werken, ik baal dat ik een foil nodig heb voor mijn thema EDH's want die zou wel eens rond de 10,- kunnen gaan liggen....


Creature - Dryad Soldier 2 / 1

If an instant or sorcery card would be put into a graveyard from anywhere, exile it instead.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Commander

Officiele rulings

If an instant or sorcery spell destroys Dryad Militant directly (like Murder does), that instant or sorcery card will be put into its owner’s graveyard. However, if an instant or sorcery card deals lethal damage to Dryad Militant, Dryad Militant will remain on the battlefield until the next time state-based actions are checked, which is after the instant or sorcery finishes resolving. The instant or sorcery will be exiled.

If an instant or sorcery card is discarded while Dryad Militant is on the battlefield, abilities that function when a card is discarded (such as madness) still work, even though that card never reaches a graveyard. In addition, spells or abilities that check the characteristics of a discarded card (such as Chandra Ablaze’s first ability) can find that card in exile.
