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Serie: Archenemy (ARC)

Rarity: Uncommon Archenemy Uncommon

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Serie Normaal Foil
Shards of Alara
Metallurgeon | Archenemy

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€ 0,20 (8x)


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 Reactie plaatsen
Global Moderator NederMagic Rules Advisor Xander (1) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
2-9-2011 11:30:00

Hij vraagt om een "target artifact".

Hij is zelf een artifact, dus is hijzelf een legal target voor zijn ability.

Official Judge x (40) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
2-9-2011 11:28:00


2-9-2011 11:24:00

kan deze zichzelf regeneraten?


Artifact Creature - Human Artificer 1 / 2

W, T: Regenerate target artifact.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Commander

Officiele rulings

The only difference between a colored artifact and a colorless artifact is, obviously, its color. Unlike most artifacts, a colored artifact requires colored mana to cast. Also unlike most artifacts, a colored artifact has a color in all zones. It will interact with cards that care about color. Other than that, a colored artifact behaves just like any other artifact. It will interact as normal with any card that cares about artifacts, such as Shatter or Arcbound Ravager.
