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Memory Jar

Serie: FtV Relics (FVR)

Rarity: Mythic FtV Relics Mythic

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
FtV Relics
Urzas Legacy
Memory Jar | FtV Relics

 Op voorraad 

€ 49,95 (5x)


Veilig betalen met iDeal

 Reactie plaatsen
Official Judge Mark (337) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
10-3-2010 20:41:00

Vroeger? Gebeurt nog steeds hoor

10-3-2010 19:47:00

Vroeger knalde ze je in 1 beurt kapot, met Megrim in play en dan lekker 7 laten discarden...



T, Sacrifice Memory Jar: Each player exiles all cards from their hand face down and draws seven cards. At the beginning of the next end step, each player discards their hand and returns to their hand each card they exiled this way.


Legal in: Commander
Restricted in: Vintage
Banned in: Legacy

Officiele rulings

You can’t look at the cards you exiled until they return to your hand.
