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Legends (LEG)

De kaarten uit deze serie van Magic the Gathering.

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Adun Oakenshield | Legends
 -  € 39,95    

Angus Mackenzie | Legends
 -  € 49,95    

Arcades Sabboth | Legends
 -  € 19,95    

Axelrod Gunnarson | Legends
 -  € 6,95    

Ayesha Tanaka | Legends
 -  € 5,95    

Barktooth Warbeard | Legends
 -  € 1,50    

Bartel Runeaxe | Legends
 -  € 59,95    

Boris Devilboon | Legends
 -  € 49,95    

Chromium | Legends
 -  € 19,95    

Dakkon Blackblade | Legends
 -  € 199,95    

Gabriel Angelfire | Legends
 -  € 7,95    

Gosta Dirk | Legends
 -  € 39,95    

Gwendlyn Di Corci | Legends
 -  € 29,95    

Halfdane | Legends
 -  € 59,95    

Hazezon Tamar | Legends
 -  € 34,95    

Hunding Gjornersen | Legends
 -  € 1,00    

Jacques le Vert | Legends
 -  € 6,95    

Jasmine Boreal | Legends
 -  € 1,50    

Jedit Ojanen | Legends
 -  € 1,95    

Jerrard of the Closed Fist | Legends
 -  € 1,50    

Johan | Legends
 -  € 39,95    

Kasimir the Lone Wolf | Legends
 -  € 1,00    

Kei Takahashi | Legends
 -  € 5,95    

Lady Caleria | Legends
 -  € 59,95    

Lady Evangela | Legends
 -  € 19,95    

Lady Orca | Legends
 -  € 1,25    

Livonya Silone | Legends
 -  € 99,95    

Lord Magnus | Legends
 -  € 1,50    

Marhault Elsdragon | Legends
 -  € 0,75    

Nebuchadnezzar | Legends
 -  € 49,95    

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