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Pre-Release op 22 September in Woerden

12-9-2013 22:50:00

Deelname aan dit evenement kost 25,- heeft u ook een E.E.S. Pre-Release evenement gespeeld op de Zaterdag dan kost deelname 20,- voor dit evenement.

We starten om 12:00 en zullen ongeveer om 19:00 klaar zijn. zorg dat u tijdig aanwezig bent.

De locatie is:
Café Restaurant El Rey
Kruittorenweg 13

(*goedkoop veilig parkeren in het castellum, uitgang kerkplein zit om de hoek.)
(** het evenement vind plaats in de El Yeah, deze bevind zich in de Kelder onder Café Restaurant El Rey)
(*** als u op de dag van het evenement moeite heeft met de locatie vinden kunt u een on-site medewerker contacteren op nr: 0640537338 )

Informatie betreffende dit evenement vanuit wizards:

Go to the Theros Prerelease and experience the newest Magic: The Gathering set a week before it goes on sale!

The Theros Prerelease presents players with a special opportunity to open a Prerelease Pack and begin their journey down the Hero's Path. There are five Prerelease Packs to choose from; each color has a Heroic Path: White – Honor, Blue – Wisdom, Black – Ambition, Red – Battle, and Green – Might.

The Theros Prelease will also be players' first opportunity to earn a Hero Card, which they can use to Face the Hydra at Theros Game Day. To learn more about the Hero's Path, go to

What Happens There?
When you show up at a Prerelease you will be given the opportunity to play with the newest cards in the following format:
Sealed Deck— Each player receives oneTherosPrerelease Pack to use for building a deck.

What Do I Get?
Each Prerelease Pack contains items designed specifically for the chosen Heroic Path.

5 Theros booster packs
1 seeded booster pack
1 promo card
1 Choose Your Path activity card
1 Spindown™ life counter
1 Hero's Path Welcome Letter
1 Hero Card

For this event, players may use the promo card included with the Prerelease Pack in their tournament deck. The prize pool: Each Theros Prerelease Tournament will include two Theros booster packs per player.

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