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Probleem met MP3 speler: formatteerd niet.

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3-4-2012 22:57:00

Ik probeerde support te mailen, maar het bericht kan niet worden verstuurd omdat ik een error krijg. Dus even hier, en in het Engels. Ik hoop dat jullie me kunnen helpen!

Formatting my cowon S9 is not possible: files in use. But I haven't any, because I've just connected the cowon to my PC.

There's a folder in my pictures folder that contains folders and files with strange characters. I cannot delete it, and it seems to be 160 GB which is also not possible (max capacity cowon is 8 gb). Deleting it gives me this message: cannot delete file -- cannot read from source file or disk.

Is there any solution to this? Is it safe to force format it with a program like HD Tune Pro?

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6-4-2012 08:18:00

Het is opgelost!

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