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[AVR] Flashback komt niet terug in Avacyn Restored

30-1-2012 10:32:00

Quote Mark Rosewater:

Trivia question: Was this cycle designed in Dark Ascension design or Dark Ascension development? (doelt op de increasing flashback cycle uit DKA', hier)

"The answer to the question is, "Neither." I do so love tricky trivia questions. Okay, who did design this cycle? The answer is the Avacyn Restored design team. So Avacyn Restored has flashback? No. Well, it did at one time, when this cycle was designed. You see, one of the things we decided about Rise of the Eldrazi (based a good deal on the feedback from all of you) was that it wasn't connected enough mechanically with the rest of the block. (Really, we should have had Allies fighting the Eldrazi.)

So when we started designing Avacyn Restored (then called "Roll", one of our design goals was finding a way to take elements of the design of the previous two sets in the block and fitting them in. One idea of how to do this was having flashback stretch through the entire block. With that in mind, the design team came up with this cycle as a way to do something new with flashback in the set.

Then we decided that flashback wasn't the best way to meet our goal because flashback wasn't as flavorfully entrenched as other mechanical elements. If we were going to carry elements across, we decided, they needed to be the more flavorful parts. Also, we chose to not make the graveyard a focus (you'll see why soon) so we didn't like having a mechanic that still made you track the graveyard.

What this meant, though, is that we had a cool cycle and no need for it. Well, it turns out that one of the members of the Avacyn Restored design team was Dark Ascension's lead designer (me), so I did what a design lead would does when a cool cycle gets tossed into the Æther—yell "Dibs!"

The Dark Ascension development team fiddled with the effects but the basic idea of "do it once, flash it back to do twice the amount" made it all the way to print."

hier (ergens in het midden blauwe link aanklikken voor bovenstaande uitleg)

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