White Humans Prevail!
Ingevoerd door: JesterSV
Datum: 9-11-2011 11:42:00
Laatste wijziging: 22-11-2011 14:05:00
Tournament type: Casual
Deck type: Life gain, Casual, Horde / Grote beesten, Aggro, Snelheid: snel
Aantal Titel Type Cost Rarity Serie Prijs
2x Butcher’s Cleaver Artifact U INN € 0,15
1x Sharpened Pitchfork Artifact U INN € 0,15
2x Silver-Inlaid Dagger Artifact U INN € 0,15
4x Champion of the Parish Creature R INN € 2,95
4x Elder Cathar Creature C INN € 0,15
4x Fiend Hunter Creature U INN € 0,15
3x Mentor of the Meek Creature R INN € 0,75
2x Mikaeus, the Lunarch Creature M INN € 4,95
2x Sun Titan Creature M M12 € 1,25
2x Arrest Enchantment C SOM € 0,15
2x Bonds of Faith Enchantment C INN € 0,15
1x True Conviction Enchantment R SOM € 2,50
2x Guardians’ Pledge Instant C M12 € 0,15
2x Rebuke Instant C INN € 0,15
2x Urgent Exorcism Instant C INN € 0,15
24x Plains(A) Land L INN € 0,20
1x Ajani Goldmane Planeswalker M M11 € 5,95
Aantal kaarten: 60
Prijs van het deck: € 43,15